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      Company News

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, nostrud exercitation ullamco.

      7 Ways to Share Genuine Appreciation with Your Employees

      Great leadership is not solely responsible for all the achievements within the company or department under you.  Worthy leaders know that one important dynamic behind sales figures and growth is a combination of leadership and capable employees. Appreciation shown by leadership towards employees is to go a step further than to just recognize their good work. When shown, appreciation adds value and boosts the emotional side of your workforce by creating a productive work environment. The importance of appreciation was shown by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation”.   According to Maslow, people are motivated to achieve certain needs of which some are more important than others.  Self-esteem, which leads to feelings of self-confidence, worth, and adequacy, is one of them. Monetary reimbursement in the form of a bonus or pay raise is a form of reward but not of appreciation. Here are seven no cost, […]

      Post-Interview Follow-up-Essential Employability Skills

      No organization wants to employ a person who isn’t much of a team player and prefers working in a shell. Typically, staying isolated and not taking initiatives reduces your chances of standing out from the crowd. This isn’t particularly a bad news for the introverts as it doesn’t require you to go way out of your comfort zone and start giving out hugs to everyone you meet. You can be an introvert and a proactive team member at the same time. It is just about taking the right action when it is needed. Your follow-up email or call shows that you are absolutely capable of that. The whole process starts with the applicant asking the interviewer how long it would take for them to get back. You might think that it may be annoying from an employer’s point of view, but most of them would actually appreciate the initiative. Advantages […]

      Video Conference Interview for Success

      Video conferencing is now commonly used by multinationals to conduct interviews and source the best talent from all over the world. The interviewers get the advantage of sitting in the interview remotely and the candidate gets the opportunity to impress a number of people without traveling. The experience is, however, slightly different from an in-person interview. There are no firm handshakes to help you make a good impression and there is so much that can go wrong. Here is a brief guide to help you prepare for an impressive video conference. Test Equipment This is a basic requirement, but often neglected by many candidates. If you don’t do a trial run with your own equipment there is always a prevailing possibility of technical failure during the session. These glitches set the worst kind of impression and the interviewer would perceive it as lack of preparation. Appearance The backdrop of your […]
